Discounted Movie Tickets for 60+

Being 60+ has its rewards
HOYTS Rewards Members aged 60+ have access to exclusive benefits* including:

Discounted movie tickets every day
for sessions commencing before 5pm. HOYTS Rewards VIPs can enjoy $10 tickets and HOYTS Rewards Members on the free tier can access $11.50 movie tickets.
To access these exclusive benefits, you must first add your D.O.B. to your member profile (accessed via 'My Profile' in the dropdown menu on the top right hand side of the website when logged in)
Not a HOYTS Rewards member?
To be eligible, make sure you have entered a valid date of birth under ‘My Profile’ on your member account. Any guests purchasing and/or using the seniors discounted tickets will be required to supply ID in-cinema to verify age. All benefits available every day, for sessions commencing prior to 5pm for members aged 60 or above. Prices subject to change. Each benefit is limited to 2 redemptions per member per day. This price excludes the online booking fee(s) if booking online. Any applicable surcharges also apply. Not valid for HOYTS LUX tickets and/or special event screenings. $1 snack size popcorn (36oz) available for HOYTS Rewards Members who are 60 years or older and valid for Mornings at the Movies on Monday – Thursday mornings for the relevant movie sessions.
Further Terms and Conditions Apply. For full details, please see HOYTS Rewards Terms and Conditions.